DRAM- dynamic random access memory
Inventor: Robert Heath Dennard
Criteria: First to invent. First to patent.
Birth: September 5, 1932 in Terrell, Texas
Nationality: American
Invention: dynamic random access memory DRAM in 1967
Function: noun / most often called RAM
Definition: A computer memory that provides the main internal storage available to the user for programs and data. A breakthrough that transformed the microelectronics industry in the early 1970s and remains the most popular form of computer memory today.
Inventor: Robert Heath Dennard
Criteria: First to invent. First to patent.
Birth: September 5, 1932 in Terrell, Texas
Nationality: American
Invention: dynamic random access memory DRAM in 1967
Function: noun / most often called RAM
Definition: A computer memory that provides the main internal storage available to the user for programs and data. A breakthrough that transformed the microelectronics industry in the early 1970s and remains the most popular form of computer memory today.
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